News from the Board -- June 29, 2022

Posted by Jessica wells on 6/30/2022 2:00:00 PM


On Wednesday, June 29, the Onslow County Board of Education held a special meeting at the Eastern North Carolina Regional Skills Center to vote on the 2022-2023 budget proposal.  

Budget elements discussed included the Capital Outlay Budget and the Local Current Expense Fund. The capital outlay budget covers the district’s expenses related to maintenance, transportation, paving, roofing, furniture, safety and security and more. The local current expense budget provides funding for salaries, insurance, academic programming, technology, cultural arts, utilities, exceptional children and more.  

The Board voted 6-0 to approve the budget as presented. Board Member Eric Whitfield was not in attendance.  

The Local Current Expense Fund Budget for 2022-2023, including all revenue streams, totals $81.5 million and the Capital Outlay Budget, including funds from insurance and state government, totals $20.1 million.  


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