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Message from the Board Chair

Another year is winding down and each of us is looking forward to relaxing. I hope we all will take some time to reflect, as well. It is through our reflections we really learn who we are, how we can transition positively, how we know we made a difference in small ways, and how we know we will return in August with a “fire in our soul” for what we do for our students.
My reflections are:
Students of all colors and races working and playing together.
Teachers buying lunches and classroom supplies.
Coaches buying shoes for athletes.
Band boosters and athletic boosters raising funds for programs.
Teachers who listen with understanding.
Parents and businesses reaching out to support schools.
Students who are happy to have a safe place to learn.
Students who directed their voices in a positive, respectful way in March.
And teachers who stood up and had their voices heard in May.
Teachers, who will not be silent anymore, know that together you can make anything happen.
I am proud of you and I truly know you are the catalyst that makes OCS such a great school system.
Best wishes for a safe and enjoyable summer break. I look forward to seeing you in August.