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Kindergarten Registration SY24/25

  • Kindergarten Registration

    Online Registration begins April 1, 2024. 

    Please click here or Online Registration in the column to the left to begin the kindergarten registration process. 

    To be eligible, a child must turn five on or prior to August 31, 2024. 

    The following documentation is required at the time of registration: 

    Birth Certificate 

    Photo ID of Legal Parent/Guardian

    Proof of Residency (Electric or Water Bill)

    The following required documentation is requested at the time of registration, but must be submitted within 30 days of the child's enrollment:

    Up-to-Date Immunization Record

    Kindergarten Health Assessment (completed by physician)

    Click here to access a copy of the required Health Assessment


    Please note, that by law, students without an up-to-date immunization record and a completed Kindergarten Health Assessment within 30 days after enrollment, must be excluded from attending school until the required immunization record and Health Assessment are submitted. 


    Do you have questions about kindergarten registration?

    Please click here to access a list of frequently asked questions.