• As the school year is RAPIDLY coming to an end, it will be filled with both End of Year reviews and assessments.  It is imperative that your child does not miss school and arrives on time.
    • Parent Surveys - Please view our Weekly Newsletter and complete the e-Prove and Title 1 Parent Surveys.  Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
    • Assessment Results-  As you know, students have been completing some of their end-of-year assessments recently.  Individual student's, Diagnostic results went home last week.  PLEASE READ AND FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH THESE RESULTS, AS THEY WILL BE DISCUSSED DURING OUR UPCOMING CONFERENCES.
    • Conferences-  Due to end-of-year assessments for students and my having to attend end-of-year meetings and activities, it has been extremely difficult to set up a conference time with confidence that it won't have to be rescheduled.  In an effort to save everyone's time and to fit all these conferences in, I WILL BE SETTING UP VIRTUAL MEETINGS ON TEAMS.  You can access TEAMS if you have Microsoft on a personal computer or if you download the TEAMS app on your phone or tablet.  It may be difficult to see the information that I will be sharing from my screen during our conference, so it is imperative that you are familiar with your child's assessment results.  I will try to have time slots in the morning and afternoon over the next couple of weeks.  Each time slot will be scheduled for 15 minutes per person, so please be mindful and respectful of EVERYONE'S time during these conferences. Attend at your scheduled time and be aware that there will most likely be someone or something scheduled immediately after your session.  Thank you in advance!
    • Make sure you read our CFIE Weekly Newsletter EVERY week, as there is a lot of information that can be found about other upcoming events. 




  • Important Dates and Upcoming Events... 

    Mark Your Calendar:


    5/24 Northside High School Senior Walk

    5/27 Memorial Day Holiday- NO SCHOOL!

    5/29 EOGS: ELA for 3rd grade; Science for 5th grade

    5/31 Goal Celebration


    6/4: EXT 1 testing begins 6/11

    6/4: EOGS: ELA for 4th and 5th grades; RtA for 3rd grade

    6/6: EOGS: Math for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades

    6/10 2nd-5th Awards (MPR)

    6/11 Last Day for Students/Report Cards sent home with students who do not owe fees

    6/12 Work Day

    6/13 Work Day

    6/14 Work Day