
    Darcy Martin 
    Head Coach

    Christy Cox
    Assistant Coach

    Congratulations to the following Lady Knights on making the 2023/2024 volleyball team:


    Daytona Baysden

    Caroline Bowers

    Serenity Cooper

    Catherine Cox

    Amaya Gainer

    Isabelle Hagerty
    Laila Humphrey
    Kaley Jarman
    Jessie Olan
    Anabella Pedrotti
    Leah Ragsdale
    Sariah Soanes
    Aleena Valentin
    Arianna Washington
    Merideth Williams


    Managers: Nevaeh Nicolas & Jelaiyah Quattlebaum 



    *If you would like any JCMS gear, please visit this link. https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/north_carolina/jacksonville/jacksonville-commons-middle-school