- Northside HS
- Message from Kendrick Pollock, NSHS Athletic Director
At Northside High School, we offer the opportunity to participate in over 20 sports programs. We believe athletics play an essential role in the lives of our students. My staff and I are committed to teaching our core values of respect, compassion, scholarship and integrity on the practice field, playing field, court, classroom, and community. The goal of our coaching staff is to inspire our athletes to be their best on and off the field. We believe it is our responsibility to provide a growth mindset environment that not only supports our student-athletes and coaches, but also encourages everyone in our community to fulfill our mission: together, cultivating the best in each, for the benefit of all. Our principal, administrators, faculty and staff are committed to getting the most out of our STUDENT-athletes. We are always happy to talk with you about any of our programs.
Please don’t hesitate to contact myself or any NHS coach with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Go Monarchs!
Coach Kendrick Pollock