A postcard with important dates for seniors was sent home before school began. Extra postcards are available in the front office.
We also have various platforms that can help keep everyone informed:
Weekly Newsletter - sent out by admin; all departments contribute to the newsletter.
Remind101 - admin will send information
All-Calls Home: admin
Senior TEAMS - all seniors and early grads were added to the TEAMS; if someone is missing, please email Ms. Liv at rachel.livermore@onslow.k12.nc.us. Parents will not be added to this TEAMS. However, if you ask your student, they can show you.
Northside Facebook Page - administration runs this page
Official Instagrams:
*Many students repost this information on their private Instagrams too!
Student News/Morning Announcements - at school, students should watch the school news during 2nd period daily
Flyers on Campus - paper flyers are up in classrooms, hallways, information boards
The senior class president, Tristan Fountain, also sends information via a senior group chat.
Also, of course, the school website.