

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Tracey Taylor

Hello Mustang Families!  I'm Mrs. Taylor!  I am a native of Onslow County.   I graduated from White Oak High School, went to NCSU for 2 years and finished up my degree in Elementary Education at ECU.  I married my high school sweet heart shortly after graduating from ECU. This is my 15th year in elementary education.  We have two children, Tommy (5th grade) and Tinley (preschool) and a big, fat, spoiled rotten pittbull named Bella!  I am a big kid at heart, so I love hanging out with students and watching them laugh, learn and build relationships.  I am strict, but at the end of the day your student will know that they are loved and cared for while at school.  Our classroom theme is F.R.I.E.N.D.S- I'll be there for you... and I truely believe that is my role in my students' lives.