TMS Announcements

  • End-of-Year Information and Events

    Posted by Willie Jarman on 5/22/2024

    Important Information and Events at Trexler for the end of the 2023-24 school year


    Please take a few minutes to complete the parent survey if you have not already done so. We need at least 150 responses (20%) from parents for Strategic Planning data. We currently have 94 responses.



    Friday, May 24th

    All Laptops and Chargers should be returned to school and should stay at school for the rest of the school year.  The Teachers, Media and IT Staff will be checking the laptops to prepare for EOG testing. Any new assignments that require completion outside of the school day will be provided on paper copies. Teachers will work with students and parents when there is a need for computer access after May 24th.


    The 8th Grade Falcon Flight Field Trip for students demonstrating positive behavior and have not received ISS, OSS, or a Bus Suspension.


    Monday, May 27th – MEMORIAL DAY and no school for staff or students


    Tuesday, May 28th

    Century Club Cookout for 2023-24 athletes at RHS Baseball/Softball Field from 2:15-4:00. Trexler student athletes must return the permission form to be transported by bus to the cookout.


    The Chorus Concert will be in the RHS Auditorium and will begin at 6:30 pm.


    Wednesday, May 29th

                    The Athletic Awards Ceremony will be in the RHS Auditorium and will begin at 6:00 pm.


    Friday, May 31st

    Academic Awards for the 4th 9 weeks and for the entire school year will be determined by grades in PowerSchool at the end of the day. Students will need to have all assignments completed and submitted for teachers to grade and update in PowerSchool prior to May 31st.  


    The 7th Grade Falcon Flight Field Trip for students demonstrating positive behavior and have not received ISS, OSS, or a Bus Suspension.


    The 8th Grade Falcon Finale, sponsored by the Trexler PTO, will be in the Trexler Gym from 6:00-9:00 pm. Tickets may be purchased until May 29th in person during 8th Grade Lunch (12:00-12:30) or online through the following:

                    Cashapp: $trexlerpto

                    Paypal: @trexlerpto

                    Venmo: @trexlerpto  




    *EOG Testing Information

    General Information

    Please make sure students are at school at 7:30 am. Students that arrive after Testing has started will be sent home with parents and will need to take their exam on the make-up days (6/10, 6/11).


    Please note that there is an adjustment to our schedule for the upcoming End-of-Grade exam days of June 5th through June 7th. In anticipation of the rigorous examination schedule, OCS would like to inform you that all middle schools will be dismissed three hours early on exam days; therefore, Trexler Middle will dismiss at 11:40am on June 5th, June 6th, and June 7th.


    No adjustments have been made to the June 10th and June 11th school day schedule, and students will dismiss at their regular time. We apologize if this information causes any inconvenience and are hopeful this notification gives families an opportunity to plan. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the front office at 910-324-4414.


    Wednesday, June 5th

    8th Grade Science EOG (Students will be released at 11:40)

    Thursday, June 6th

    Math EOG and Math 1 EOC (Students will be released at 11:40. Math I students will have 4 hours to complete the exam and parents will be called for pick-up if they are still working at the 11:40 dismissal.)

    Friday, June 7th

                    Reading/ELA EOG (Students will be released at 11:40)




    Monday, June 10th

                    EOG Make-up begins at 7:30 am.


    The 6th Grade Academic Awards Ceremony will be in the Gym and will begin at 12:00 pm. Academic Awards for the 4th 9 weeks and for the entire school year will be determined by grades in PowerSchool at the end of the day on May 31st. Students will need to have all assignments completed and submitted for teachers to grade and update in PowerSchool prior to May 31st.  


    Normal school day schedule. Students will be released at 2:35 (6th & 7th) and 2:40 (8th).


    The 8th Grade Academic Awards Ceremony will be in the Gym and will begin at 6:00 pm. Academic Awards for the 4th 9 weeks and for the entire school year will be determined by grades in PowerSchool at the end of the day on May 31st. Students will need to have all assignments completed and submitted for teachers to grade and update in PowerSchool prior to May 31st.  



    Tuesday, June 11th

                    EOG Make-up begins at 7:30 am.


    The 7th Grade Academic Awards Ceremony will be in the Gym and will begin at 12:00 pm. Academic Awards for the 4th 9 weeks and for the entire school year will be determined by grades in PowerSchool at the end of the day on May 31st. Students will need to have all assignments completed and submitted for teachers to grade and update in PowerSchool prior to May 31st.  


    Normal school day schedule. Students will be released at 2:35 (6th & 7th) and 2:40 (8th).



    *Summer School Information

    Students that have not met the academic expectations on EOG assessments and/or classwork performances for final grades for the school year. Invitations will be made for students to attend, and parents will be notified by June 14th.


    Tuesday-Thursday, June 18th-20th

                    Summer School remediation.

    Monday & Tuesday, June 24th & 25th

                    Summer School remediation and retest on the EOGs.




    Report Cards will be mailed home on Thursday, June 27th. Parents can access the final grades using the parent portal for PowerSchool prior to the official report card being mailed home.



    *Yearbook Information

    Friday, May 31st

    8th Grade students that ordered a yearbook will receive their yearbook during Enrichment (7:30 am-8:00 am).

    Monday, June 3rd

    7th Grade students that ordered a yearbook will receive their yearbook during Core 4 (1:45-2:30).

    Tuesday, June 4th

    6th Grade students that ordered a yearbook will receive their yearbook during Core 4 (12:05-1:00).


    Extra yearbooks will be sold on 5/29 and 5/30 for a cost of $50. They will be delivered on the designated grade level dates. Any remaining yearbooks will be sold on 6/03, 6/04, 6/10 and 6/11.  Once the extras are gone, they are gone.  No yearbooks will be sold on EOG days.

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  • Summer Career Accelerator

    Posted by Atressa Mercado on 5/6/2024

    Registration due Friday, May 10th.  Contact Mr. Sunding, Ms. Auterio, or Mr. Nastasi.

    Link to Register!!

    Summer Career Accelerator

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