• Program Description

    The North Carolina State Board of Education established state standards for local Academically or Intellectually Gifted Programs. These AIG program standards articulate expectations for rigorous, relevant, and challenging instruction, and directly reflect congressional beliefs as outlined in Article 9B. These AIG program standards played a critical role in the local AIG programs and plans for the school years 2022-2025. These standards reflect nationally accepted best practices in gifted education. Furthermore, the AIG program standards ensure that the needs of AIG students are met, and the potential of AIG students is optimally developed and nurtured. AIG Specialists and school counselors work to coordinate programs and services to support gifted learners in Onslow County Schools.

    Program Standards

    Standard 1: Student Identification Standard

    Standard 2: Comprehensive Programming within Total School Community Standard

    Standard 3: Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction Standard

    Standard 4: Personnel and Professional Development Standard

    Standard 5: Partnerships Standard

    Standard 6: Program Accountability


    Contact Information

    Dr. Michael Elder @meldernc Director, College and Career Readiness (910) 455-2211 ext. 71271 michael.elder@onslow.k12.nc.us

    Michelle Chadwick Assistant Director, Advanced Learning & STEM (910) 455-2211 ext. 71272 michelle.chadwick@onslow.k12.nc.us

    Plan Link

    AIG Local Plan 2022-2025 From CCIP FINAL.pdf