• Onslow County Schools Gifted Services Page



    Frequently Asked Questions

    How can I refer a student for screening?
    A child, teacher, parent, or another knowledgeable adult may make a referral anytime during the school year. The
    referral should be made to the AIG specialist or contact the school using the link on the school webpage or district
    webpage. The AIG Specialist will follow up within 5 school days.

    How can a child be placed in the AIG Program (or receive services)?
    Students qualify for AIG services based on multiple criteria. Criteria used in this decision-making include EOG scores,
    aptitude scores, achievement scores, grades, outstanding work samples, and strong teacher referrals (referrals are done
    through a checklist). The local school AIG Match Team reviews all the results and determines which students are
    exhibiting a need for differentiation beyond the regular classroom setting. Based on the student's level of need, a plan
    for student services is developed through a Differentiated Education Plan (DEP) or Academic Blueprint (grades 6-12).

    What are some indicators of academic giftedness?
    A child shows academic giftedness when he/she demonstrates learning potential significantly, at least two years beyond
    the expected level of his/her age group. This advanced learning potential can be discovered in many ways and can be
    hidden by unfavorable life circumstances. Indicators often include achievement, aptitude, performance, teacher
    observation, interest, and motivation to learn.

    What can I do to prepare my child for the aptitude or achievement test?
    You can make sure your child gets a good night's rest, eats a healthy breakfast, and arrives at school on time. No other
    preparation is necessary.

    What is the AIG Match Team?The AIG Match Team is composed of the AIG Specialist and a team of educators. This team determines if a child qualifies for gifted identification.

    If my child was receiving gifted services in another school district, does that mean he/she will automatically receive gifted services in OCS?
    Each school system has developed a plan which provides criteria for screening, identification, and services for their
    students who exhibit a need for differentiation. Should a student transfer to Onslow County Schools, the local team will
    review data to decide if further screening is necessary. Onslow County Schools honors the Interstate Compact on
    Educational Opportunity for Military Children. Thus, until a review of records can be completed, or further screening can
    be conducted, any military child will receive services if he/she states that he/she received services in their previous

    What is a Differentiated Education Plan?
    A Differentiated Education Plan (DEP) is an academic plan for each student needing differentiated services. This is
    reviewed annually for the duration of the student’s educational career.

    What is an Academic Blueprint?
    An Academic Blueprint is an academic plan for each student needing differentiated services in grades 6-12 that focuses on
    goal setting. This is reviewed annually by students to set goals and review progress for the duration of the student’s
    educational career. An Academic Blueprint has a career and/or college focus.

    Will differentiated education services result in students being given extra work?
    In the regular classroom, students may be working on the same objective/concept in the NC Standard Course of Study
    (SCOS) through assignments at multiple levels. Work may be given to a student on a simpler or a more basic level, while others work on
    assignments with greater depth and complexity. If a student receives pull-out service, efforts will be made not to
    burden students with makeup work when students leave the regular classroom to attend pull-out services. Gifted
    Specialists and regular classroom teachers should work together to ensure coverage of NC SCOS at the most appropriate
    level for each student.

    Will a student’s DEP/Academic Blueprint carry over from year to year?
    Individual student review is a continuous process. Since the program is based on a student's demonstrated need for
    differentiated services, it is necessary to review student needs regularly. An annual review of the student's current
    information such as test scores and grades will determine the appropriate type of services to provide. The parents of
    students receiving services will receive a letter of invitation from the AIG Specialist giving them the opportunity to
    participate in their child's annual review.

    When will parents know about the DEP/Academic Blueprint for their child?
    At the AIG Match Team meeting, input is gathered to complete a DEP/Academic Blueprint. The AIG teacher in
    collaboration with the classroom teacher(s) will complete the DEP/Academic Blueprint. Annual reviews will be held with
    parents to present the DEP as well as receive further input for services.

    What if parents disagree with the evaluation decision?
    Most disagreements should be worked out by scheduling a meeting with the AIG Match Team. However, a parent has
    the right to appeal the AIG Match team decision. The appeals process is included in the “Procedures to Resolving
    Disagreements” brochure which can be found on the district website.

    May a student be referred who does not meet the criteria for services?
    Yes, there are very few students who display outstanding intellectual potential, but who do not meet traditional criteria
    because of their own uniqueness. The use of alternate assessments may be considered and/or these students should
    have an individual academic plan developed specifically for them.

    Is there something my child must do once he/she has been identified to continue to receive services
    from year to year?
    Each student must take responsibility for his/her own learning. Annually, the AIG Specialist reviews the progress and
    performance of each student receiving AIG services in order to determine the appropriate level of differentiation. 
    A child will remain identified as gifted and services will be identified through the child's Differentiated Education Plan
    (DEP) and/or Academic Blueprint.

    If my child does not qualify for services at the time of testing, can my child be reevaluated?
    Yes, if a student does not exhibit a need for differentiation at the time of initial screening, he/she is not excluded from
    future consideration. OCS best practice is to wait at least one calendar year before retesting.

    If I remove my child from AIG services and decide later that I want him/her to receive those services,
    what do I do?
    You can request a DEP meeting to review service options with your AIG Specialist.

    How will students be graded when they attend resource pull-out services?
    The AIG Specialist is generally not a teacher of record, so grades are not typically attached to services.

    Why is the program service delivery model in middle school different from elementary school?
    At the middle school level, students are in the advanced classes for which they have demonstrated a need for a
    challenge. The AIG Specialist serves as a resource to assist core teachers with best practices for differentiated
    instruction. There is typically no AIG resource pullout option. An Academic Blueprint is created and reviewed annually
    with students to set goals and review progress.

    What happens in high school?
    At the high school level, students self-select Honors, Advanced Placement, IB, and advanced courses. Students at the
    high school level also have an Academic Blueprint developed and reviewed annually.

    Who develops the local AIG plan?
    A committee of parents, community leaders, teachers, and administrators contribute to the writing of the local AIG plan.
    Guidelines are established by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. AIG plans are written for three-year
    cycles. The Onslow County Board of Education approves the AIG plan and NC has also reviewed the plan.

    Where is a copy of the local AIG plan?
    The current AIG Plan is located on the district website under Gifted Services and on each AIG Specialist’s school
    webpage. To contact the Central Office call (910) 455-2211 and ask to speak to Dr. Michael Elder.

  • Program Description

    The North Carolina State Board of Education established state standards for local Academically or Intellectually Gifted Programs. These AIG program standards articulate expectations for rigorous, relevant, and challenging instruction, and directly reflect congressional beliefs as outlined in Article 9B. These AIG program standards played a critical role in the local AIG programs and plans for the school years 2022-2025. These standards reflect nationally accepted best practices in gifted education. Furthermore, the AIG program standards ensure that the needs of AIG students are met, and the potential of AIG students is optimally developed and nurtured. AIG Specialists and school counselors work to coordinate programs and services to support gifted learners in Onslow County Schools.

    Program Standards

    Standard 1: Student Identification Standard

    Standard 2: Comprehensive Programming within Total School Community Standard

    Standard 3: Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction Standard

    Standard 4: Personnel and Professional Development Standard

    Standard 5: Partnerships Standard

    Standard 6: Program Accountability


    Contact Information

    Dr. Michael Elder @meldernc Director, College and Career Readiness (910) 455-2211 ext. 71271 michael.elder@onslow.k12.nc.us

    Michelle Chadwick Assistant Director, Advanced Learning & STEM (910) 455-2211 ext. 71272 michelle.chadwick@onslow.k12.nc.us

    Plan Link

    AIG Local Plan 2022-2025 From CCIP FINAL.pdf