- Southwest ES
- Sarah Phillips
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Sarah Phillips
Hello everyone! My name is Ms. Phillips and I am your School Social Worker here at Southwest Elementary School. I have a Masters in Social Work from WNMU. I grew up in this area and I am really excited to be working with you all. .
My family and friends are extremely important to me. I have two children who are full of life and keep me busy. In my spare time I enjoy traveling, gardening and hiking.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need anything. I look forward to working with you all here at SWES!!!
The easiest way to contact me is by email: sarah_phillips@onslow.k12.nc.us. Call/Text (910)548-0280
When Do School Social Workers Get Involved?
When students display:
•Poor attendance
•Failing grades
•Effects of family crisis
•Emotional and behavioral concerns such as fighting, negative attitude toward school, refusal to cooperate with adults, depression or substance abuse
•Unmet basic needs
School Social Workers help these students through early identification, prevention, intervention, counseling and support.
School Social Workers employ the following methods in providing assistance:
•Crisis Intervention
•Home Visits
•Conflict Resolution
•Program Development
•Coordination of School & Community Services
¿Cuándo se involucran los Trabajadores Sociales?
Cuando los estudiantes demuestran:
Escasa asistencia escolar
Bajas Calificaciones
Efectos de una crisis familiar
Preocupaciones emocionales y de conducta tal como pelear, una actitud negativa hacia la escuela, negativa a cooperar con los adultos, la depresión o el abuso de las sustancias
Necesidades básicas insatisfechas
Los Trabajadores Sociales les ayudan a estos estudiantes a través de una identificación temprana, la prevención, la intervención, asesoría y el apoyo.
Los Trabajadores Sociales usan los siguientes métodos para proveerles ayuda:
Intervención en crisis
Visitas a casa
Resolución de conflictos
Desarrollo de Programas
Coordinación de Servicios de la Escuela y de la Comunidad