• My name is Holly Shelanskey, my husband, Alex and I will be coaching together again this year and I am also the Math I teacher at Northside. We are very excited for this upcoming season and encourage you to workout and practice skills on your own as much as possible so we can hit the ground running. For any questions feel free to email either of us at holly.shelanskey@onslow.k12.nc.us or alexshelanskey@gmail.com.

     Paperwork to participate needs to be completed by Oct 22nd and brought to room 209! Please check the athletics homepage for more information about paperwork needed and feel free to reach out with any questions. Paperwork can always be found in the front office.


    Update: We will be having an interest meeting right after school in Room 209 on Wednesday, September 7th until around 3pm. Please make sure you have a ride no later than 3pm. We will go through expectations, paperwork, fundraising, additional important information, etc.