- Onslow County School District
- Board of Education
Onslow County Board of Education
The Onslow County Board of Education is a seven member board serving four-year staggered terms with elections held every two years. The next election of the Board will be held in 2024. The Board of Education holds at least one monthly meeting, generally the first Tuesday of each month, and holds special meetings as needed throughout the school year.
The Board welcomes your presence and participation at its meetings. The public may speak to the board during the regularly monthly meeting on matters of public concern. Public participation sessions on matters of public concern are provided during the regular monthly Board meeting.
Select the pictures below for the contact information and background of our current Board of Education members.
Board of Education Members
Mr. Ken Reddic, Chairman
Mr. Ken Reddic -
Phone: (910) 389-5896
Email: ken.reddic@onslow.k12.nc.us
Onslow County Board of Education member since August 2018
Chairman since March 15, 2023
Vice-Chairman December 6, 2022 through March 15, 2023
Additional committees, boards and community organizations that you are involved in:
- Member, Jacksonville Civitan Club (25 years)
- Member, Board of Directors of Marine Federal Credit Union
- Member, St. Anne’s Episcopal Church (45 years)
Professional experience and/or background:
- S. Social Studies Education- East Carolina University (1970)
- A. School Administration and Supervision- East Carolina University (1983)
- Teacher, Coach- Onslow Academy (1970-1974)
- Teacher, Coach, School Administrator, Curriculum Director, Math-Science Partnership Grant Manager- Onslow County Schools (40+ years)
- Educational Consultant, NC State Educational Assistance Team (2004-2006)
- Adolescent Literacy Coach- Johns Hopkins University (2006-2007)
Why you chose to become a member of the Board of Education:
As a life-long educator in Onslow County, I am passionate about the future of public education in our community, state and nation. I became a board member to be a positive and supportive voice for students, teachers, parents and community. Our community expects Onslow County Schools to offer an excellent education to all students by hiring great teachers, designing effective curriculum and instruction, providing modern facilities and resources, and keeping our children safe. As a board member, I plan to work cooperatively with community agencies, governmental groups and fellow school board members, and make decisions that are in the best interest of the students of Onslow County Schools. I continue to remind myself and others that “Excellence in the classroom begins with excellence in the board room.”
What do you enjoy most about serving the children of Onslow County?
During my more than forty years of educational experiences in the Onslow County School System, I have attended thousands of events, celebrations, demonstrations and competitions. I thoroughly enjoyed the culmination of all the work, study, preparation and practice that was required of the students, teachers, volunteers, and parents. Onslow County Schools has a rich history of showcasing students in such venues as plays, musicals, athletic events, academic competition and recognition events, and community volunteer efforts. As a School Board member, I look forward to attending and supporting school and district events that focus on student achievement, growth and success.
Mr. Bradley Williams, Vice-Chairman
Mr. Bradley Williams
Phone: (910) 546-9947
Email: bradley.williams@onslow.k12.nc.us
Onslow County Board of Education member
since December 6, 2022
Vice-Chairman since March 15, 2023
Mr. Bill Lanier
Mr. Bill Lanier -
Phone: (910) 381-4616
Email: bill.lanier@onslow.k12.nc.us
Onslow County Board of Education member since December 4, 2018
Chairman, December 6, 2022 through March 11, 2023
Additional committee, boards and community organizations that you are involved in and time framed served:
- NCGOP Executive Committee Member
- NCGOP, 3rd Congressional District Member At Large
- Onslow County GOP Executive Committee Member November 2008 – February 2018
- Chairman, East Northwoods Voting Precinct (EN03) March 2017 – February 2018
Professional Experience and Background:
- Special Needs Instructional Assistant, Onslow County Schools March 2003 – January 2016
- Chief Judge, North East- A Voting Precinct, Onslow County Board of Elections August 2013 – March 2015
- Registered Agent/Business Manager/Treasurer/Webmaster, Midville Baptist Church September 2009 – October 2014
- Community Based Behavioral Healthcare Paraprofessional, Crystal Coast Therapy July 2003 – March 2008
- Community Based Behavioral Support Specialist, Onslow County Behavioral Healthcare Services January 2001 – July 2003
- Retail Jewelry Sale Person, Mills Jewelers (REEDS) August 1997 – July 2001
- Gunnery Sergeant United States Marine Corps (Tactical Motor Fleet Operations Chief/Manager-Trainer/Formal Schools Instructor) with total years of service May 1976 – October 1996
- Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) in Business Administration and General Management, Campbell University 2004 – 2008
- Associate of Applied Science, Administration and General Management 1997 - 1999
- Phi Theta Kappa Society, International Order of the Two Year College 1999
Why you chose to become a member of the Board of Education:
After 20.5 years of service as a United States Marine, 5 years as a Behavioral Healthcare Paraprofessional, and 12 years as a Special Needs Teaching Assistant retirement would seem an easy choice. With closing the chapter on a long and loving relationship upon the death of my wife Mitsuko, to simply rest seemed pretty enticing. But, as fate would have it, I was called upon by my community to vie for a seat on Onslow County’s Board of Education. I am humbled by their faith and confidence in my experience and wisdom to fulfill the task.
It is my hope, as a board member, to assist in eliminating distractions that hamper teaching and learning, to help ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability, to promote professionally competitive school environment where the curriculum is specific to subject matter and age appropriate and students are academically successful.
What do you enjoy about serving the children of Onslow County?
My enjoyment of serving the children of Onslow County stems back to my experiences as a behavioral healthcare Specialist/Paraprofessional. The sheer joy I experienced helping individuals and families achieve specific goals for growth and living is far exceeded by the joy and empowerment they attained. I was extremely heartened to be recruited by the Principal of Trexler Middle School in 2003 to sign on in the Social Skills/Special Needs Program. I simply love to see happy and productive people, and serving the children of Onslow County is a perfect way to do it.
Additional information and/or statement:
It is the duty of the communities of Onslow County to make sure our schools are responsive to valid concerns and accountable in managing the resources and means necessary adequately educate our children. It is the Board of Education’s responsibility to ensure that policy is conducive for making it happen.
It’s MY HOPE to be an integral part of helping Onslow County Schools achieve and maintain a level of responsiveness conducive to communication, transparency and results expected by all stakeholders in Onslow County.
Mr. Elbert Garvey
Mr. Elbert Garvey
Phone: (910) 389-0298
Email: elbert.garvey@onslow.k12.nc.us
Onslow County Board of Education member
since October 4, 2022.
Mrs. Melissa Oakley
Mrs. Melissa Oakley -
Phone: (828) 460-1195
Email: melissa.oakley@onslow.k12.nc.us
Onslow County Board of Education Member since December 2020
Mr. Louis Rogers
Mr. Louis Rogers
Phone: (910) 357-3636
Email: louis.rogers@onslow.k12.nc.us
Onslow County Board of Education member
since October 4, 2022
Mrs. Angie Todd
Mrs. Angie Todd
Phone: (910) 545-2668
Email: angie.todd@onslow.k12.nc.us
Onslow County Board of Education member
since December 6, 2022
Additional committees, boards, and community organizations that you are involved in:
Strategic Opioid Advanced Response Organization of Onslow County (“SOAR”), Onslow County, NC, https://www.onslowcountync.gov/1766/Strategic-Opioid-Advanced-Response-SOAR
Onslow County Families of Addicts (“FOA”), Site Director, https://foafamilies.org
Education First Alliance, Researcher and Endorsed by Them, edfirstnc.org
Onslow County Schools, Substance Use Disorder Multidisciplinary Team
Currently working in conjunction with Onslow County Schools, Heather Perkins, Jacksonville PD and other community organizations to bring substance abuse prevention and diversion programs to our students and their families within the school district.
Professional experience and/or background:
Current Small Business Owner, Real Estate
Opioid Settlement Funds Strategic Plan, subcommittee (2022):
Onslow County was awarded $10.5M in opioid settlement funds. The funds will be disbursed over the next 18 years and have restrictions in how they must be used. We want to make sure we have a solid plan to make the most of these funds. As a member of the SOAR team, you have been selected to sit on a subcommittee that will work on this plan. The subcommittee’s objective will be to develop strategic and targeted recommendations for the Onslow County Board of Commissioners to consider when allocating these funds.
Court Appointed Special Advocate® (CASA) and Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Volunteer, Troy, OH (2003-2008)
CASA/GAL of Miami County, OH, Volunteer
Clubhouse Dreambuilders Group Community Action Council, Adult Leader and Site Coordinator, Troy, Ohio (2001-2003), miamicac.org
Why you chose to become a member of the Board of Education:
As a parent and grandparent, I have always been proactively involved throughout their school years and into adulthood. When Covid hit our community in 2020, like many parents, I realized that the state of affairs in our school system was not as I had thought they to be. I felt a real nudge by God to try to provoke the respecting of parental/caregiver rights as “the state” cracked down. I began speaking at school board meetings in June, 2021 and shortly thereafter began researching both curriculum and state mandates. I strongly believe that parents/caregivers should be the ultimate decision makers regarding medical choices such as mask wearing as they understand the nuances of their children’s needs best. I then attended a Freedom Works seminar, began submitting FOIA (Public Records) requests, and working diligently to understand the current school system and its inner workings. I decided after much prayer that I would like to serve Onslow County on the Board of Education to work towards increasing transparency and helping parents/caregivers in our public school system to feel heard.
What do you enjoy about serving the children of Onslow County?
As someone that would have most likely been considered a “high risk” child during my youth that faced obstacles all too common in dysfunctional homes, I was fortunate enough not to have endured negative labels or to have been surrounded by naysayers discouraging me from pursuing goals. I love being that adult that is willing to help anywhere and anyway that I can. It is my passion to be a support for children, parents, and teacher/school staff members that need support so we can as a community help our next generation obtain the “Sound Basic Education” they deserve.
Additional Information and/or statement:
It is a privilege to have been entrusted to serve our community on the Board of Education. It is my goal to seek ways to protect our students/staff while increasing the quality of education throughout Onslow County schools.