• Northside Football

    Welcome to the online home for our Monarch Football team. Our athletes represent excellence both on and off the field, and we set our expectations high: study hard, train hard, and work hard.

    Our athletics program is unparalleled thanks to a supportive community of parents and fans. Our coaching staff specializes in building better athletes, students, and citizens. We emphasize teamwork and demand the personal commitment to play like champions—every practice, every game, every time.

    Please use the NavBar to the right to browse our site.  Thanks for visiting MONARCH Football.

    To join the Northside Football group chat, please email Coach Pollock. 

    If you are interested in ordering Northside apparel, please visit this site: https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/north_carolina/jacksonville/northside-high-school

    Coach Pollock
