- New Bridge MS
- Technology Initiative
Technology Information
Our Biggest 1:1 Initiative to Date
Onslow County Schools is involved in a major 1:1 (one to one) technology initiative. This isn’t our first 1:1 project, but it represents our most comprehensive effort to provide ONE device for every student for home and school use. Students in grades 1 - 12 will have a Dell Laptop issued for “anytime, anywhere learning.”
1:1 Device FAQs
Free OCS Community WiFi
Dell Member Purchase Program
DELL and Onslow County Schools
has joined hands to bring technology opportunities to our students, parents and staff members.
Up to 30% off DELL Devices, Electronics and Accessories
Parental Concerns and Helps
Digital Learning and Teaching Classroom Resources (Posters)
Standards of Practice
Digital Learning and Teaching Platform
Digital Class Etiquette
Logging In?
Got Internet?
Technology Infractions (3 Levels)All students will have Dell laptops assigned for school and home use (with a $25 fee). Students should purchase and use backpacks with padded sections. Laptops and chargers will remain the property of the school and will be returned at the end of the school year. Students are responsible for missing, damaged or destroyed property. The replacement cost of the laptop and charger is $700 and $68 respectively. Students in 1:1 classrooms will utilize Office 365. The TEAMs calendar will be used by teachers to post homework assignments, quizzes, tests, projects and other tasks. Students are expected to bring fully charged devices to school every day and use them in an appropriate manner. Leave laptop chargers at home unless otherwise directed. When students fail to follow the code of conduct, three levels of Technology Infractions (1, 2 and 3) and the associated consequences are as follows:
--Level 1 Tech Infractions--
Definition: Minor tech-related misbehaviors that can be adequately corrected at the time they occur, and which do not require additional documentation.
Descriptors: Minor infractions; immediately correctable; minimal disruption; no harm to systems, property or others.
Examples: Off-task tech-related misuse in class; non-instructional/unassigned web activity; e-chatting; leaving computer unattended; failure to charge device overnight; unsafe transport of the device.
Staff Response: General consequences range from immediate classroom level warnings/redirections/corrections to a single card punch at the teacher’s discretion.--Level 2 Tech Infractions--
Definition: Moderate tech-related misbehaviors that, while not requiring immediate administrative involvement, do require documentation because administrative support and additional consequences are needed.
Descriptors: Moderate infractions; correctable with IT assistance; potential disruption and/or harm to systems, property or others.
Examples: Chronic Level 1 Tech Infractions; downloading or distributing unauthorized but not illegal executables, music, video, games, peer to peer software or other programs; use of inappropriate language, messages or pictures; bullying, harassment, insults, threats, or attacks on others; using another user's password/identity; recording, filming, or photographing teachers without permission; attempting to bypass set restrictions; placing, creating, “liking” or “boosting”, or accessing explicit, violent, or obscene material.
Staff Response: Classroom consequences include immediate correction, discontinued use of the device, confiscation of the device if necessary to preserve evidence of the violation and a disciplinary report to administration. Administrative consequences include a single card punch or ASD/ISS assignment; parent contact; administrative device confiscation (1stoffense- 3 days; 2nd offense- 5 days; 3rd offense- 10 days; 4th offense- MTAC review); reimaging of device if necessary (with $10 reimaging cost); and application of the next level security filter for continued use.--Level 3 Tech Infractions--
Definition: Serious tech-related misbehaviors that require immediate administrative involvement and written documentation, potentially for law enforcement reporting.
Descriptors: Serious infractions; significant IT assistance/review needed; illegal activity; demonstrable harm to systems, property or others.
Examples: Chronic Level 2 Tech Infractions; downloading or distributing illegal/copyrighted executables, music, video, games or other programs; use of profane language, obscene content or defamatory messages; repeated or serious bullying, harassment, insults, threats, or attacks on others; downloading or distributing software designed to avoid detection or applications to defeat monitoring network; installing or using third party firewalls, anonymizers, proxies, 3rd party multi-node file-sharing software; modifying operating systems; intentionally damaging assets or other acts of vandalism; deleting personal items, files, or documents from another student’s computer or the network.
Staff Response: Administrative consequences include ISS/OSS assignment; parent contact; administrative device confiscation (1st offense- 10 days or remainder of grading period or semester; 2nd offense- MTAC review); reimaging of device if necessary (with $10 reimaging cost); application of the next level security filter for continued use and report to law enforcement if documented activity is illegal.
BOE PoliciesInternet Safety: 3226-4205
Technology Responsible Use: 3225-7320
Prohibition Against Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment: 1710
Use of Computers: 6523