- Sand Ridge ES
- About the Program
The Military Family Life Program was created to assist with the unique challenges faced by military families. The Department of Defense is offering this private and confidential non-medical counseling service to military service members, military families, and military family service members' children in Child and Youth Programs, Department of Defense Education Activity Schools, Local Education Agencies, DoDEA CYP summer programs, National Military Family Association Operation Purple Camps, Guard/Reserve camps, and Operation Military Kids Camp.
Counseling services are provided by masters-level or higher licensed social workers, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, counselors, and other professionals. Services are private and confidential with the exception of child abuse/neglect, domestic abuse and other duty-to-warn situations. Counselors (known as MFLCs) provide walk-around services in either traditional or non-traditional settings. CYB MFLCs only provide individual services with a child in line of sight of a CYP, DoDEA, LEA, camp employee or a parent/guardian.
The Child Youth Behavior-MFLCs may support Child Development Centers, schools on and off the installations, summer programs and camps, and work with military children and their families the following ways:
- Observe, participate and engage in activities with children and youth
- Provide direct interaction with military children.
- Model behavior techniques and provide feedback.
- Suggest courses of age appropriate behavioral interventions to enhance coping and behavioral skills.
- Provide outreach to military parents when they drop off or pick up their children at family events.
- Be available for military parents to contact for guidance and support
- Facilitate psycho-educational groups.
- Conduct training for staff and parents.
- Recommend referrals to military social services and other resources as needed
The Child Youth Behavior MFLCs may assist military parents, military children and centers with the following type of issues:
- Communication
- Self-esteem/self-confidence
- Resolving Conflicts
- Behavioral management techniques
- Bullying
- Helping Children deal with angry feelings
- Sibling/Parental relationships
- Deployment and reintegration issues