August 2024
Dear Eagle family,
My name is Angela Kates. I am so excited and proud to serve as the Assistant Principal of Carolina Forest International Elementary and to ensure quality and rigorous education to our students, support their academic, social/emotional needs, and enrichment programs that the CFIE team has implemented.
I have been an educator with Onslow County Schools since 2006, and an Assistant Principal since 2018, receiving a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, and a master’s degree in School Administration and Curriculum Instruction from East Carolina University. I love and support our school system and am proud of the wonderful programs we provide to our students. I have experience in the elementary, middle, and high school. However, my favorite grade level is elementary school.
Onslow County is my forever home and CFIE is my second residence! Please call upon me if I may be of service. I look forward to getting to know our awesome Eagle students and their fabulous families!
Mrs. Angela Kates
Assistant Principal
School: 910-346-1778
FB: CFIE Eagles